

Site Assessment

The site assessment is the first critical step for designing your land with nature in mind. During this step we will take a look at water, sun, topography, and many other critical factors affecting regenerative settlement on your land.

Photo (left): an irrigation pond on our property fills up with our late summer monsoon rains, storing over 200,000 gallons of water for use on the farm.


Land Design

We provide full-scale design services that begin with an initial assessment, aerial photos, a design proposal, a water harvesting plan, planting plans, and whichever details required to help you implement your project.

Photo (right): an aerial view of our property under development. All water stays on site.

Focused Area Support

You already have land, and have a design completed, and need help with a specific area of design. Perhaps you already have an established homestead, however, you may need aid with adding a design for a swale. We can help with that.

Photo (left): a fresh water harvesting swale on contour in it’s infancy harvesting a 1” rain event.